we came prepared for this night. like super prepared. thanks to my super talented MOM! she worked very hard to sew our ENTIRE family pirate costumes. this was my favorite event of the cruise. we partied. hard. it was straight up bonkers you guys.
not only am i lucky to have a Mom that can create amazing costumes, but i am also lucky to have a husband that shares my fearless love of dressing up. (and my tiny gals do as well)
but let me back up to the beginning of our day. we had breakfast at Cabanas. we sat outside and looked out at Cozumel. oh and we were sitting at the table next to theee Gabby Douglas. G kept running into her all week. she and i were facing each other and i tried not to stare too much. we chatted very casually and quickly with the usual "enjoying your vacation" dialogue. it was neat to see people coming up to G for pictures or to talk about the show while i am sitting there thinking "do you have any idea you are within 5 ft of an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST???!! " a couple people stopped to talk to her and she was so very kind and sweet to everyone. a lady came up to her when she was sitting alone and waiting for her family to join her and asked if she would be using all the chairs at her table. she sweetly said no, take a few. then the lady came back up. i figured she realized who she was. but she asked for the extra utensils and napkins. and i think the olympian sorta welcomed that. like it might've been nice to be treated like the average teen. anyway, she was just so very sweet. i didn't have the heart to ask for a picture. i thought it would've sparked more people halting her peaceful breakfast.
after breakfast we got the girls up and then brought them back up for breakfast and card games. then they played in the water area.
and had some hot chocolate because it was a little cold.
then took them to the kids clubs. G and i wandered around again and sat on more chairs. sitting on chairs makes you pretty hungry so we went back up to cabanas for a lunch "snack" which turned into a full plate...but something fun happened! we ran into our Broncos fan club!! they said they were heading off the ship to get a t shirt in Cozumel and asked if we wanted to come along. we hadn't even thought about going to Cozumel. but we immediately said "Sure!" so we ran to get our ids and our key to the world cards. ran up to the kids clubs to see if it was normal to leave the ship and leave our kids onboard. totally normal! so we took off with our new best ship buds! we walked around, checked out all the shops, beers were like $1 on the streets. we found some cute stuff and tested out our bargaining skills. still regretting that i passed on the Broncos wrestling mask... we mailed some postcards that just got delivered last week! it was so nice and relaxing.
we miss you Renee and Drew!!! |
pirate night is no joke you guys. no joke. we had dinner. and i think this was when i officially decided to eat a Mickey head (ice cream bar dipped in thick chocolate) along with another dessert every night. or maybe i decided that on Christmas night. not sure, but it was the best decision i made on the cruise.
i snagged this picture from here
we had some legit pictures taken because i wanted some for my Mom. thanks MOM!
next, there was a huge bash on the top decks.
a big pirate show that had plenty of dancing and Capt Jack "hottypants" Sparrow. unfortunately i didn't get a picture but evidently i think guys are good looking with eye liner on...
at the end of the show there is a firework display.
not a small one either, like a legit bigtime one. people were so sweet and trying to make room for noii to get a good view. and after that something magical happened. it was dance party time. and our tiny noii was ready to throw down with some MAD DANCING SKILLS!!! we had never been out dancing as a family before but this gal immediately started getting down with no fear. people would just sorta gather around her and watch. well, we were also in the middle of traffic with people trying to get back downstairs. we made our way to the dance floor and danced for an hour straight. Lilli taught us the cupid shuffle. and the crew had everyone busting moves. even though we had just eaten, as part of the big celebration Cabanas has a late night dinner!!!!! lilli and i were unable to keep up with noii any longer (she had made her way to a small stage by then) so we made a dash for the bonus buffet. i wish i had gotten pictures of the fruit displays. they had melons cut up as pirates. it was amazing. they had fun food that night. like enormous turkey legs. noii had apparently helped close the dance party down and joined us just in time for some buffet action.
so there you have it. Pirate night was a highlight of the cruise. i must point out that i am writing this a day after hiding in our basement because of tornado sirens. the weather in Missouri is bonkers. it was super warm, then tornado-y, now its super cold with a chance of snow.... not fun. but i feel better reliving this trip with you guys right now. i really have my fingers crossed that we will be back on this ship sometime because this place is the place my mind goes to when i am in the middle of scary weather. or when it gets a little overwhelming managing our life alone. this trip was the perfect reward for all that.
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exhaustion hit her outta nowheres. |
so there you have it. Pirate night was a highlight of the cruise. i must point out that i am writing this a day after hiding in our basement because of tornado sirens. the weather in Missouri is bonkers. it was super warm, then tornado-y, now its super cold with a chance of snow.... not fun. but i feel better reliving this trip with you guys right now. i really have my fingers crossed that we will be back on this ship sometime because this place is the place my mind goes to when i am in the middle of scary weather. or when it gets a little overwhelming managing our life alone. this trip was the perfect reward for all that.
up next... more ship exploring and CASTAWAY CAY!!!! Disney's private island...it is just how you imagine it...