Thursday, June 19, 2008

hello midwife! you rock!

we finally made a choice on when/how/who/whatnot our next baby was going to be delivered.  as most of you probably know, lilli's birth was downright interesting.  (perhaps the story in its entirety will be blogged one day.)  basically, she was born at home in the water.  we (me, my mom and gareth) were by ourselves.  no help.  the end result was a sweet-tush perfect baby.  sigh.

since it is illegal in missouri for a midwife to delivery a baby, we had to search the great state of arkansas for other options.  my great friend kim highly recommended the midwife in her obgyn office that assisted in the delivery of her daughter, reese.  i didn't pursue her at first because she only delivers babies at the hospital.  but after meeting a midwife in berryville that was less than desirable, i decided to give debbie a try.  and yippy skippy!  first off, the office is the fanciest office i have ever been in!  and the staff is really nice.  and she shares the same views on birth that we do.  which is very refreshing.  another cool tidbit:  on monday the new "tower" opens at the hospital with some fancy shmancy birthing rooms.   

oh and she said i am measuring large for 17 weeks and she thinks i am more like 20 weeks.  we'll know for sure next month!  if so, that's like 1 free month!  hot doggies!

if you are trying to picture this wonderful lady, she looks sort of like a younger blond version of george costanza's mom from seinfeld.

on a cupcake note.  orders are coming in for highly decorated cupcakes.  i made a few samples and took them in and i told them they were at least 3ish days old and to just throw them out after they looked at them or set them on the shelf for the rest of the day.  and they ended up selling some!  i was like: ewwwww!  they told the people not to eat them and they were fine with that!  so with orders comes the problem gareth and i both run into:  what are you supposed to charge for your art?  it's so easy for everyone else to say you shouldn't take less than this or that.  but in reality, you barely want to charge more than selling yourself short!  the owners really want me to be treated fairly which is cool.  we'll just have to see.  i have an order that i get to do tonight for a 35th birthday.  flower cupcakes.  fun and easy!

well folks, it's been a great day!  and sara, we made it home safe and sound from harrison!  thanks for the concern!  you totally love us!

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