Sunday, July 27, 2008

ding. dong.

gareth got a new truck on friday.  it is just about the dopest, raddest truck i've seen.  it is a black decked out honda ridgeline.  so saturday i went to dixie to pick it up and drive around town with lilli.  and then i went to park it back at dixie and.... well.... rubbed the brand new van parked next to me.  yeah.  and dinged up the side of the truck a bit.  i could give you the billion excuses for this.  here are a few: * the honda truck is actually pretty chunky but when you drive it, it feels like a tiny car.  (so, it's hard to judge the pure fatness of the truck when pulling into a space)  * i was parking at the same time as the guy next to me was and he was over in my spot... he evidently knew that because when i got out to handle my "rub" he and his family decided to return to their car and leave.  * i am a pregnant lady.  does that count for anything?  well, that is the reason why i was sobbing.  turns out that they were nice people.  gareth went out there to wait for them to return to their van after the show.  our insurance wont go up since we've had em for awhile and it'll probably be less than 500 bucks to fix since it is a thin strip of paint removed from the bumper.  it is about the same as if you opened your car door and hit the person next to you.  this is something i could have easily just left without doing anything.  esp. since that has happened to me.  someone dented my bumper in and took off.  i just sort of shrugged it off, but had it been my brand new car i'd been... very upset.  as for the dent in G's truck, it has to go into the honda dealer anyway to have a couple other dents removed so we'll just throw that one in.  it's not big so we'll see.  i am so happy everything worked out surprisingly perfect.  i was just so sad yesterday.  i felt worse because gareth was so sweet about it.  (really, could anyone imagine him not being so kind about something like that?) so then i kept crying because i have such a sweet hub.  lilli kept hugging me, so i kept crying.  a hannah montana concert was on last night and i cried when she sang "nobody's perfect" i'm a freak, dudes. 

but on a happier note, lilli turns 3 soon!  aug. 4th.  we have no plans this year except that i want to take her shopping all day and then to dixie.  i'll make her a cake but this month flew by and i just ran out of time to get a party set up.  i was going to invite a couple of her pals and moms to go with us to dixie but i believe i will save that up for next year.  i can't believe how sweet and girlie she is.  she loves all jewelry that sparkles and pink and getting her nails done and the jonas brothers.  i am also making her a dance bag.  bright pink and sparkly.  

above are some pictures:  lilli took the one of me and G.  please try not to notice my chubby face.


Whitney said...

I love you!
That is all...


Robyn Sever said...

there i go again... teary eyed! i love you too whit!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your belly!! You look adorable!! You're kid's not bad either. I miss you peoples.