it was a beautiful summer saturday. garage sales aplenty. we were young and free. we each had garage sale cash in our pockets and a set of perfectly functioning wrists. becca and i had never roller bladed, so when we each found a pair of roller blades for the low price of 5 american dollars we could barely get home fast enough. with visions of skating along gareth while he skateboarded and our new ripped bodies we would have from our new way of exercising we eagerly put on our new skates.
roller blading is hard. we were trying to skate around our kitchen and we could never let go of the counter. in the midst of the falling we decided we were ready to take this outside. this is where the story gets blurry for me. it seems like the smart thing to do would have been to skate on the driveway until we became pros or at least until we stopped falling. but somehow we both decided that we were ready to go down a hill. a hill that gareth and i would regularly street luge on our skateboards. but would never do it standing on a skateboard. but the summer wind was calling me and becca. i followed becca up the hill. i looked ridiculous. i was pretty far behind her taking baby steps up this hill, then rolling back a little. i remember thinking about taking my roller blades off until i reached the top. and then...
a blond flash streaked down the hill past me. i immediately thought "woah... uh oh". she was pretty much going down the middle of the street. and bless her heart, she was reaching out for every mail box she passed. i started giggling about that since obviously there was no way she'd be able to grab one. and then it happened. she landed in our front yard. she tried to catch herself and put her arms back straight behind her. my giggling turned to laughter because i am a major jerk and didn't realize she was hurt. i made my way down the hill which wasn't very far for me because i couldn't really get up the hill in the first place. poor becca. we went in the house and got all of the rocks out of her hands. and basically after a visit to the ER and then a follow up check she was in 2 bright green casts. poor becca. strangers were always walking by her saying "did you break BOTH of your arms?" "why?" "how?" poor becca. but on a lighter note, whenever i think about her speeding down that hill.... i giggle. a lot.
she and i have a bunch of stories like that. not bone breaking ones, but the mere reminder of these moments have me laughing. like when our friend Eddy was over and singing something like henry the eighth i am i am and becca thought for no reason at all that he was singing the chili's theme song and chimed in with " bar b que sauce " the lesson learned from that is to never give eddy something to make fun of you about.... okay, and me.
or how mad she'd get at me when she'd be driving and i would sneakily put a boogie on her gear shift so when she'd put it in park, well, she'd get a boogie on her hand. and i'd get a bruise leaving punch in the arm.
isn't it great having a best friend? or 2 or 3. these people in your life are the cherry on top. a funny hilarious cherry on top.
OK first off it was one green and one purple cast. And you left off the part about me having to wear the gloves that vets use to see if cows are preggo when I took a shower. And two words for you Robyn, Paybacks.
You forgot about the part where you had to wipe her bummie for 4-6 weeks. Aaaaahhhh friendship.......
yeah, but i'd been doing that for years.
That story is way funnier from your side than from Becca's side.hehehe
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