Friday, August 1, 2008

ballerinas and cowgirls!

here is what's been cookin' in the sever house this week.  besides cupcake orders from pinky dinks, i made these ballerinas for lilli to take to her dance class yesterday.  dudes, fondant is my new therapy.  i loved making these tiny gals!  i wasn't going to make lilli a cake this year but after just about everyone asked what type of cake i was doing for lilli... i had to show off something!  i guess my dream was that i could go get lilli an ice cream cake from dairy queen.... how can something be soooo delicious?  hmmm we'll have to see what lilli wants on monday....

also, i made this cute cowgirl hat!  i hope raelin likes it.  she is a super cute curly blondie of a gal!  we shall be meeting for her mama to pick it up sometime today.  

well i hope everyone has a rad weekend.  ours will be crazy.  G has 4 shows tomorrow and i have a big ol' cupcake order to do.  today my parents drop off the Nutch for a few weeks.  as soon as i get him i will be putting his hair up in pony tails and taking him shopping with me and lilli.  he weighs 4lbs and is a sweet yorkie.  stay tuned for pictures..... speaking of pictures, i am the WORST camera gal.  sorry for the inconvenience.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!! She is going to LOVE it. Everyone must LOVE it. Girl you got moves I've never seen-WHAT MOVIE? I'm so impressed with you. Now I want some cake!!

Anonymous said...

K---I made some horsie cupcakes to go along with your awesome hat cake. I will let you know how it goes over. Raelin loves it by the way. Thank you soooooo much Robyn! I'll send pics tomorrow.

Kathie Sever said...

2 kewt 2 b forgotten!!!
luv u!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Robyn!! They are having a cute cupcake contest for Woman's Day magazine. If you go to they have all the rules. You have to send a pic between Sept.1 and Sept.30. You should totally do that.