well folks, things are simply wonderful these days. i got a new phone as an early birthday present, a baby that is gassy/fussy free for the past few days and a 3 year old that is taking the dancing world by storm!
despite being hungry all of the time i am feeling great. i have changed my diet drastically to see if that helps sanoii's tummy a little bit. another new thing for me is i have a new show i am obsessed with called FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. it is hilarious!!
another new obsession? FACEBOOK! goodness! i am in touch with people i haven't seen in 20 years! here is a thing i wrote on there: 25 random things about me
1. i pick my nose. a lot. ummm, but i wash my hands a lot...uh..
2. i am a very slow reader. i am very jealous of fast readers.
3. i once cut the head off of a cat. (i worked in a vet clinic, i guess that could be a a list on its own, all the crazy stuff i've had to do in the vet clinic)
4. i love my in-laws! every last one of them.
5. i used to be a crazy party girl.
6. i'm scared to use big words in case i have the meaning all wrong.
7. i went to 2 different grade schools, 3 middle schools, and 2 high schools. every move was equally difficult, but each move brought rad new friends.
8. i love painting and sewing but am terrible, TERRIBLE at pottery.
9. i love being a mom.
10. i can't wait to turn 30.
11. it was love at first sight when i saw my husband. for reals.
12. my husband's middle name is robin.
13. i totally dig the series LOST even though i'm not quite sure what is going on.
14. i wish i was funny enough to be a member of flight of the conchords! or am i? hmmm.
15. one of my favorite things to do is to sit on my back porch and talk, talk, talk... hurry back Rachoo!
16. i have really skinny fingers. my wedding ring is a 3.5
17. i have had my dog dixie my whole adult life, which means we're both getting old.
18. i would like to live in oregon one day.
19. i LOVE thai food.
20. i have a blog www.robynbloggin.blogspot.com in case you can't get enough of me!
21. i delivered my first baby at home unassisted in the water. my mom, hubby and sis were there.
22. i have a very high pain tolerance.
23. i love french fries. all of them.
24. i did a no spend month that changed my life.
25. i wish i could play a musical instrument.
well, i hope everyone is doing great and i will be posting pictures soon of my latest projects.