bowling night was the night of our first date. g and me. are you guys ready to gag? okay. you asked for it.
i totally believe in love at first sight. or maybe it's more like "know your life will never be the same from here on" at first sight. most of you know that story already. i tell it often because i am very proud of it. so i will skip to our first date.
it was supposed to be on a monday. after weeks of joking around that we should go out, we finally said we would for real. but that monday night after the show (i was a server at dixie..he was.. skeeter) i walked passed him and said hi and he was sweeping the hallway but didn't say anything. so discouraged, i got in my car and went to a friend house.
the next night we tried again. i got done with work and went downstairs, fiddled around with the soda machine. (bought a sunny d for me and 1 for him) i was hoping to be walking out the door at the exact same time as he was. but no luck, so i went to my car and waited without looking like i was waiting. 20 minutes (that felt like 2 hours) later, he was in my car. my heart was fluttery. but the weird thing was, we were relaxed. i wasn't trying to convince him i was cool and he was just telling me random stories. (he told me he didn't know if he could ever have kids after an unfortunate christmas tree farm accident) we drove around and played video games at a big arcade (that an enormous titanic replica now takes the place of) ended up at a park (that we now live up the hill from) stopped by the favorite drinking establishment called "the roost" (that an enormous outdoor mall now takes the place of) by this time we were holding hands and walked in to all my close friends freaking out about it. it was dixie bowling league night. he was on a team. i wasn't, but i often went to support/make fun of everyone. then i went home. but not to diss him. i just wasn't sure if he really liked me because he wasn't all nutty around me.
luckily i had to return his enormous bag he always carried around that he left in my car. i went to his place the next day and we sat uncomfortably on his couch until work.
a week later we never were apart. and never have been for the most part. which makes me wonder. are 2 people really destined to be together? when i look back at my life before g, i always think: how in the world did we end up together?! i like to think of it as a movie. you'd get to see how destiny is working hard to bring these two together. a random friend recommending a job at dixie because tips are crazy, to someone talking him into making the audition just to see what happens. next thing you know the 2 are finally united. and it feels like home from the very first kiss on the cheek.
our first date was the tuesday following mother's day. we used to celebrate our anniversary every tuesday for about 4 years. we don't really celebrate our wedding anniversary. that tuesday means so much more to us.
who'd a thunk years later we'd be married with 2 crazy wonderful kids? i did! i knew it from the first time i saw him! but that's another long story altogether.
i think you forgot the part of the 'destiny' thread you were following that led to the REAL reason you and gare-bare hooked it up.... *ahem*, helloooo? and thank you, gareth, for acting as liason to robyn and MY destiny. you've been a swell middle man.
i know... i know all too well...
Thanks for being my wife and all...it's really pretty great having you along for the ride.
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