Thursday, January 6, 2011

oh KALE no! (or any phrase replacing the word hell with kale)

i am currently in a weight loss competition. trying to get back down to my "clinton chandler bootcamp" weight. so far it has been a success!

i want to share a super quick recipe. i love it and it is SUPER GOOD for you because it is basically just baked KALE. and kale is considered to be in the SUPERFOOD category. a top cancer fighter and all around good food. go here to check it out:here

i love a kale shake. just kale, a tomato, celery and a banana and BLAMMO!! a shake, that looks gross, you have to eat with a spoon, but actually ain't half bad.

but this recipe is tops: i found it here:

just preheat the oven to 350. take a bunch of kale that has been washed, dried and torn from the stem into chip-sized pieces and toss it with a bit of olive oil and (itty bitty) amount of salt on it. lay it flat on a cookie sheet with parchment paper. baked for 10- 11 minutes. eat it. feel great. and send me a text message thanking me for it.

p.s. i got that there kale picture from here.

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