Saturday, May 17, 2008

Okay, i'm bringing the sappy...

a week ago, tornadoes swept through the area.  i don't  usually freak out about tornadoes, so when the sirens went off i just sorta took my time gathering up Lilli and the dogs to go down to the basement.  Gareth called from work to remind me of all the things to do and we quickly got off the phone.  

i turned the TV up so i could hear the updates from the news and held Lilli tight.  the news reporter was announcing a few fatalities and that is when i totally changed.  i looked at lilli and knew she was going to be safe.  after all, she would have a recently doughier mom to protect her.  but hearing about the deaths i realized that there was no guaranty of safety.  i didn't feel totally confident that i was going to make it for some reason.  my mind was suddenly on Gareth.  i thought about how much i wish i said i love you more and kissed him and all the gooey stuff.  i grabbed my phone to call him.  i was just going to say i love you.  but he was already calling me to say that the tornado warning was over.  phew...  it is weird the thoughts that go through your mind when you're not sure of the ya know... outcome.  

i know it has only been a week but i've been working on something since then:  to notice Gareth more.  it is a great way to be aware and grateful.  one thing for certain is that i'm lucky.  to be married to Gareth.  

so go notice your loved ones people!  you just might see something you've been missing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you more too......G