for those of you who hadn't noticed, i have a huge forehead. good. i got that out of the way.
every time i watch ace of cakes i get a major hankerin' to do a huge sculpted fondant cake! hmmm. we'll see. i am actually happy with the first and only one that i have done. the best part of that cake was that gareth and i worked on it together. he comes up with these ideas that i think would never work...and then they ALWAYS do! he is way smarter than i give him credit. i find myself daily thinking to myself: i'll ask gareth what he thinks. sniff sniff. to be pregnant and emotional and totally crushing on my hub....
perhaps something more enlightening next time...
Holy crap!! Seriously???? I am sooooo impressed and jealous right now!! I'd pay a pretty penny for one of those just to look at it. I am so very proud of you Robyn.
ahh shucks b dawg... you know i love ya!
Your cupcakes are rad! We want some when we get there. See ya guys soon.
Ok, since you have a craving for an ace of cakes adventure here's a proposal for daughter turns 17 on 7 7 08. she had major reconstructive ankle surgery on june 23 08from a varstity basketball injury last right now her summer & her JR season is hosed & we'd like to lift her spirits a little & she LOVES PINKIE DINKS! everytime we're in town, we get one (she loves the strawberry). So...what could you create for her Duff JR? You can email me at with a proposal & $$$.
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