Thursday, June 26, 2008

up to my forehead in frosting.

for those of you who hadn't noticed, i have a huge forehead.  good.  i got that out of the way.  

 every time i watch ace of cakes i get a major hankerin' to do a huge sculpted fondant cake!  hmmm.  we'll see.  i am actually happy with the first and only one that i have done.  the best part of that cake was that gareth and i worked on it together.  he comes up with these ideas that i think would never work...and then they ALWAYS do!  he is way smarter than i give him credit.  i find myself daily thinking to myself:  i'll ask gareth what he thinks.  sniff sniff.  to be pregnant and emotional and totally crushing on my hub....

perhaps something more enlightening next time... 

Sunday, June 22, 2008

lilli and pals

these are more pictures of lilli with her other family the Wursts.  she sure loves these guys! 

this picture is after she had an entire bowl of ice cream and was putting on a "show" for her people. 

hurry back you guys!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

hello midwife! you rock!

we finally made a choice on when/how/who/whatnot our next baby was going to be delivered.  as most of you probably know, lilli's birth was downright interesting.  (perhaps the story in its entirety will be blogged one day.)  basically, she was born at home in the water.  we (me, my mom and gareth) were by ourselves.  no help.  the end result was a sweet-tush perfect baby.  sigh.

since it is illegal in missouri for a midwife to delivery a baby, we had to search the great state of arkansas for other options.  my great friend kim highly recommended the midwife in her obgyn office that assisted in the delivery of her daughter, reese.  i didn't pursue her at first because she only delivers babies at the hospital.  but after meeting a midwife in berryville that was less than desirable, i decided to give debbie a try.  and yippy skippy!  first off, the office is the fanciest office i have ever been in!  and the staff is really nice.  and she shares the same views on birth that we do.  which is very refreshing.  another cool tidbit:  on monday the new "tower" opens at the hospital with some fancy shmancy birthing rooms.   

oh and she said i am measuring large for 17 weeks and she thinks i am more like 20 weeks.  we'll know for sure next month!  if so, that's like 1 free month!  hot doggies!

if you are trying to picture this wonderful lady, she looks sort of like a younger blond version of george costanza's mom from seinfeld.

on a cupcake note.  orders are coming in for highly decorated cupcakes.  i made a few samples and took them in and i told them they were at least 3ish days old and to just throw them out after they looked at them or set them on the shelf for the rest of the day.  and they ended up selling some!  i was like: ewwwww!  they told the people not to eat them and they were fine with that!  so with orders comes the problem gareth and i both run into:  what are you supposed to charge for your art?  it's so easy for everyone else to say you shouldn't take less than this or that.  but in reality, you barely want to charge more than selling yourself short!  the owners really want me to be treated fairly which is cool.  we'll just have to see.  i have an order that i get to do tonight for a 35th birthday.  flower cupcakes.  fun and easy!

well folks, it's been a great day!  and sara, we made it home safe and sound from harrison!  thanks for the concern!  you totally love us!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I love Branson. There. I said it.

it is 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  green trees are aplenty.  (so are ticks)  and although lilli has been cranky with poop soup(diarrhea)  and my head is still stuffy, today has been one wonderful day! why?

today buckets n boards did the preshow for the show SIX.  they did such a great job and the crowd was very much into buckets n boards!  and then the main show....

SIX is pretty badass.  i mean really.  there are obviously some seriously corny shows in town that you leave screaming at intermission.  we didn't get to stay for the whole show since gareth had to get to work and i had to get to billy bobs (another reason why i love branson) to chow down on a cheeseburger and fries...and gareth's fries.  Anywho, SIX is a group of six (duh) brothers that use no instruments.  just their voices.  one bro is the drums and the rest of the guys sing in perfect harmony.  google them.  i was pretty impressed.  i even laughed at their "funny" jokes.

another reason why i'm having a great day is that a long lost friend called me today!  dr. wilson.  he is getting ready to go to uganda to visit the community where the watoto children's choir is from.  i couldn't believe the wonderful coincidence!  we love that choir!  he asked me if i wanted him to bring me home a ugandan baby.  honestly, i once thought that that was the path for me and my family.  i wanted to at least foster a child from uganda.  and then... you know how things go.  perhaps there will one day be a ugandan in the family.  there are over 3 million children in uganda that need families.  i just can't believe dr. wilson is a part of that relief effort.  he is going there to set up a fish hatchery.  (he is a retired veterinarian) when i heard his voice on the phone.... my eyes teared up!  he is just someone that you feel fortunate to know.  he said perhaps we can get together when he returns from nicaragua.  (he's going there right after uganda)  what a life!  what! a! life!  i worry about a trip to utah and he's changing the world one country at a time!

i guess it just goes to show that there are people that make things happen and people that think about making things happen.  i'm somewhere in between.  i'm going to strive to be more of a make things happen type of person.  i have tons of ideas that i get passionate about but i rarely follow up on them.  we'll see how this goes.  i'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

another busy week

i wanted to wait and do a new post until i finished a project i was working on for this very blog.  but, i still have a couple pictures i am looking for so here is just an update.  

lilli had her first recital on sunday which ended up being her first taste of show biz.  she decided at the last minute to add some impromptu bum shakin'.  my eyes began to tear up as the crowd laughed so she gave them more!  she happens to be the youngest gal in the whole dance academy, so she looked so tiny up there on that big stage.  we are waiting for the dvd to come in, so i will put it up here then.  

my mom brought me some childhood pictures of me and i am still looking for my 3rd grade jc penney young lady mullet picture.  so when i find it, my collection of me through the thin-chubby-then thin then chubby years will be posted.  

our friends the Wurst family is in town from arizona.  i expect lilli to sleep until noon today since she had been going bonkers playing with the wonderful kids til midnite last night.  one reason she loves them so much is that they laugh at her "jokes" but also, they play with her even though she is quite a bit younger than them.  cheers to rad kids!